Dearest ones,
“I have arrived!”
After two and a half days of U-Haul travel from Tucumcari, N.M., my cousin Andre and I made it to the pebbly shores of Crescent City, Calif.
Since many of you enthusiastically requested a rundown of my road trip, I’ve compiled some photos below.
Before viewing, however, please note several things:
1. Start at the BOTTOM PHOTO of the buffalo painted on the U-Haul and work your way upwards or it makes no earthly sense.
2. Thank GOD my cousin Andre came to help me. Not only did he help load, unload and single-handedly put my ugly couch in its new location, but flawlessly drove the U-Haul (except for the flat tire in Albuquerque). He was the one who made sure the U-Haul didn’t tip over when the thing started to rock back and forth madly.
3. U-Hauls tend to sway back and forth madly when the “grandmother’s attic” part, that says not to load over 300 pounds, is full of 22 boxes of books.
4. U-Hauls tend to rock back and forth madly when you are on winding, mountainous roads, especially with a bogged down “grandmother’s attic.”
5. We arrived safe and somewhat sound. I only had one mini-breakdown when we ran into a rock slide delay…but that’s about equivalent to the U-Haul (which tends to rock back and forth madly when you are on winding roads with a bulging “grandmother’s attic”).
6. Before taking a U-Haul, make sure you don’t overload “grandmother’s attic.”
Check out the photos – let me know what you think!
With love, relief and the stringent urge to hug redwood trees,
Sunday, February 26, 2006

I left my cousin Andre with a hug, with love and with a handmade Lucky Voodoo doll parting gift. Try getting that as a parting gift on some silly game show. Andre chose Inga, one I made back in New York. In addition to the doll and the hug, I also hope I left him with fond memories of cousinhood and how big chunks of the U.S. sort of look like New Mexico.
Roadtrip from Tucumcari, N.M., to Crescent City, Calif., Feb. 2006.
Saturday, February 25, 2006

By the end of day three, especially after the two hour delay due to the Hwy 299 rock slide, we were in sour spirits. Andre was probably extra teed off since I was crying the delay was his fault. He took it maturely, however, and didn't dump me out the side door of the U-Haul.
Roadtrip from Tucumcari, N.M., to Crescent City, Calif., Feb. 2006.

The guy in this truck yelled at me when I took a picture wasting time during the two hour delay on Hwy 299 for the rock slide. His yelly-ness made me cry even harder. Now I'd never get to my new home and some deputy sheriff man guy was yelling at me, to boot.
Roadtrip from Tucumcari, N.M., to Crescent City, Calif., Feb. 2006.

I thought this sign was really cute and was trying to get a photo of it all during our roadtrip. Its cuteness ceased when we were wasting time during the two hour delay on Hwy 299 for the rock slide. I had more than ample opportunities to photo this sign from every conceivable angle.
Roadtrip from Tucumcari, N.M., to Crescent City, Calif., Feb. 2006.

Alas, we soon found out why we were told not to take Highway 299. Here we were stopped for nearly two hours due to a rock slide. Here I threw a hissy fit and cried I would never get to my new home. Here I killed time taking pictures of things.
Roadtrip from Tucumcari, N.M., to Crescent City, Calif., Feb. 2006.

On day three of our trek, we awoke refreshed, revitalized and ready for action. We also finally noticed the sticker that tells you what you are supposed to do when you get a flat tire, instead of scrambling around like we did two days ago.
Roadtrip from Tucumcari, N.M., to Crescent City, Calif., Feb. 2006.
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