By Ryn GargulinskiIt’s hard not to love Punch Drunk Love, especially since there’s punching and love involved. Lot’s of it.
Adam Sandler stars as a subtly freakish character who is always clad in an unstylish blue suit for no given reason. People, including his seven sisters, a woman with a British accent who tries to seduce him and his coworkers at the novelty toilet plunger place, keep asking him why. That, and why he has a piano that’s not a piano on his desk.
Sometimes all the questioning just gets to be too much and he has to punch things.
I actually laughed out loud twice during this flick, something I do often but not with movies. Once was the scene where he destroys the bathroom and again when he tells his lover she’s so beautiful he wants to smash her face in with a sledgehammer.
If the movie sounds chaotic, disjointed and silly, it is.
It’s also a heck of a lot of fun.
Highlight: When he destroys the bathroom or when the sex line hick gang start stalking him.
Lowlight: The effective use of music and choppy scenes to portray heightened tension actually gets you tensed up enough that you, too, want to punch through a plate glass doorwall.
Rating (1-10): 333, or the amount of punches it takes to get rid of blue suit tension.
This movie was recommended by Nathan.