Friday, January 19, 2007

Rental Review: Titanic

By Ryn Gargulinski
Yes, I boycotted this flick for nearly 10 years. Yes, I thought it would be long, boring and stupid. Yes, I was pleasantly surprised.

Rather than tell us something we already know – a big ship sank with a bunch of ritzy people on it – this movie weaves some unknown tales we wish were true.

OK, it’s one of those poor boy meets rich girls love stories but it is coupled with dimensions that are amusing and interesting – not to mention characters compelling enough that we actually come to care about them.

Heck, we care enough to even hate some of them.
We are overjoyed when we learn one shot himself in the head.
We are enthralled by the mobs chomping at the bit for lifeboats.

We are carted back into the early 1900s, angry at the social hierarchy and relating enough to the situation to even wonder what we would have done had we been on that sinking ship.

Although Titanic lives up to its name by its sheer two-hour-plus length, we are not fidgeting in our seats but rather disappointed when it ends.

Highlight: When everyone is drowning in the icy northern Atlantic and all skin is a bluish white with death tones like a scene in a Detroit punk club.
Lowlight: The hokey heavenly ending.
Rating: (1-10) 8.71

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