Friday, May 08, 2009

Gloom and Doom Balloon - week of 5/1

Only one unnatural death in Tucson, this past week, a 68-year-old man drowned in his backyard swimming pool.

Another death that touched Tucsonan’s hearts – and the hearts of anyone who knew him – was that of Tucson chess champion Landon Brownell, 19.

He was driving on Highway 99 in Bakersfield, California, when he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a eucalyptus tree.

Brownell was affectionately called “that kid with the suit” or “Suitkid” for his penchant for wearing a suit and tie to early tournaments. He nabbed individual and team chess honors while on the high school chess team, was home schooled, cared about people, was smart, funny and affectionate.

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