Thursday, February 16, 2006


Someone who does not lie.
Not cheat. Not steal not depend on me
for every dime or deodorant stick.
Someone I can cherish.
Someone I can trust.
Someone who cherishes me.

Someone who
remembers my birthday and I like
vanilla flavored everything and
surprises me with poems or a
hike on the mountain or
a note in my lunch or a call
just to say
he loves me.

Someone who is
cool and
laughs at my jokes.

Someone who will let me
tattoo him. Someone who will let me
be near him. Someone who will cuddle me at night instead of
running after love to go get
a towel.

Someone who gives me space
and time and listens when I
need to talk and quells me when I
need to cry and leaves me alone when I
need to be left alone but knows sometimes when I
say that I really need a hug.

Someone who has a
job a goal a passion a life an
idea a spark a laugh
so bold it knocks my
socks off.

Someone with no
holes in his socks or
rocks in his head or
bats in his belfry or
other women’s numbers
in his pocket.

No druggies no
alkies no users no

Someone who wants
to know my soul and
lets me know his.

Someone who is willing to
accept my soul and won’t lie
about his.

Someone who has no
kids no nasty tempered ex who calls
every minute no bullshit baggage that
cannot be fixed no warrants no debts no
surprises in the mail no reason to hide.

No desire to hide.
Unless it’s with me.


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