Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rental Review: Frida

By Ryn Gargulinski
Anyone who wants to experience pain need only glance at the paintings of Frida Kahlo. Kahlo was able to turn her anguish into captivating art and this film paints an intriguing picture of that pain.

Although a tad slow at times, the movie is not painful to watch – but it is, however, very painful to watch what this gifted and vivacious woman has gone through.

Through an early bus accident, a young lost love, five million surgeries, a body brace, a cheating husband, a divorce from the cheating husband, a remarriage to the cheating husband and a host of other maladies, both physical and psychological, Frida lives on.

She also lives just long enough to see her goal of an art exhibition in her Mexico homeland, which she views from her deathbed.

We come to love Frida as much as we already love her art.

Highlight: The surgery scene with animated skeletons dancing around and missing teeth.
Lowlight: The nagging question on why all the chicks were so drawn to Diego Rivera.
Rating (1-10): 7.92

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