Sunday, March 19, 2006

Au revoir, GiGi...

Name: GiGi (nee Baby)
Breed: Unknown
Age: Paperwork said 4 years, more than one person guestimated more like 8.
Color: Grey
Zodiac: Unkown

Favorite activities: Sleeping, grunting.

Least favorite activities: Anything else (except she did like to walk on the beach for short durations).

Alas, Gigi, an older dog, expressed interest in returning to her former Oregon where she would be able to sleep more.
She was a darling and will retain a place in my heart as a very fond pet – much fonder, for sure, than the rat Diablo who bit for a living or the rat Dali II who stole outside at night for New York Lower East Side rat playmates.
Gigi went back to Oregon on an early March morning where they received her with open arms, impressed by her name change from Baby.

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